Protein Summary
Nociceptin: Ligand of the opioid receptor-like receptor OPRL1. It may act as a transmitter in the brain by modulating nociceptive and locomotor behavior. May be involved in neuronal differentiation and development. Nocistatin: Blocks nociceptin action in pain transmission by inhibiting nociceptin-induced hyperalgesia and allodynia. Orphanin FQ2: Has potent analgesic activity. This gene encodes a preproprotein that is proteolytically processed to generate multiple protein products. These products include nociceptin, nocistatin, and orphanin FQ2 (OFQ2). Nociceptin, also known as orphanin FQ, is a 17-amino acid neuropeptide that binds to the nociceptin receptor to induce increased pain sensitivity, and may additionally regulate body temperature, learning and memory, and hunger. Another product of the encoded preproprotein, nocistatin, may inhibit the effects of nociceptin. [provided by RefSeq, Jul 2015]
- ENST00000301908
- ENSP00000301908
- ENSG00000168081
- ENST00000522209
- ENSP00000430145
- ppN/OFQ
Most Knowledge About | Knowledge Value
(0 to 1 scale) | ||
gene perturbation | 0.83 | ||
disease | 0.52 | ||
PubMedID | 0.51 | ||
chemical | 0.5 | ||
pathway | 0.47 | ||
Protein Classes
IDG Development Level Summary
These are targets about which virtually nothing is known. They do not have known drug or small molecule activities
- AND - satisfy two or more of the following criteria:
Pubmed score: 937.72 (req: < 5)
Gene RIFs: 31 (req: <= 3)
Antibodies: 273 (req: <= 50)
These targets do not have known drug or small molecule activities
- AND - satisfy two or more of the following criteria:
Pubmed score: 937.72 (req: >= 5)
Gene RIFs: 31 (req: > 3)
Antibodies: 273 (req: > 50)
- OR - satisfy the following criterion:
Gene Ontology Terms: 8
Target has at least one ChEMBL compound with an activity cutoff of < 30 nM - AND - satisfies the preceding conditions
Active Ligand: 0
Target has at least one approved drug - AND - satisfies the preceding conditions
Active Drug: 0