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Actin-related protein 2

Protein Summary
ATP-binding component of the Arp2/3 complex, a multiprotein complex that mediates actin polymerization upon stimulation by nucleation-promoting factor (NPF) (PubMed:9000076). The Arp2/3 complex mediates the formation of branched actin networks in the cytoplasm, providing the force for cell motility (PubMed:9000076). Seems to contact the pointed end of the daughter actin filament (PubMed:9000076). In addition to its role in the cytoplasmic cytoskeleton, the Arp2/3 complex also promotes actin polymerization in the nucleus, thereby regulating gene transcription and repair of damaged DNA (PubMed:17220302, PubMed:29925947). The Arp2/3 complex promotes homologous recombination (HR) repair in response to DNA damage by promoting nuclear actin polymerization, leading to drive motility of double-strand breaks (DSBs) (PubMed:29925947). The specific function of this gene has not yet been determined; however, the protein it encodes is known to be a major constituent of the ARP2/3 complex. This comp ...more
Uniprot Accession IDs
Gene Name
Ensembl ID
  • ENST00000260641
  • ENSP00000260641
  • ENSG00000138071
  • ENST00000377982
  • ENSP00000367220

  • ARP2
  • ARP2
Illumination Graph
0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2
Knowledge Table
Most Knowledge About
Knowledge Value (0 to 1 scale)
interacting protein
transcription factor perturbation
molecular function
disease perturbation
transcription factor binding site profile

IDG Development Level Summary

These are targets about which virtually nothing is known. They do not have known drug or small molecule activities
- AND - satisfy two or more of the following criteria:

Pubmed score: 156.31   (req: < 5)
Gene RIFs: 53   (req: <= 3)
Antibodies: 266   (req: <= 50)

These targets do not have known drug or small molecule activities
- AND - satisfy two or more of the following criteria:

Pubmed score: 156.31   (req: >= 5)
Gene RIFs: 53   (req: > 3)
Antibodies: 266   (req: > 50)

- OR - satisfy the following criterion:

Gene Ontology Terms: 23

Target has at least one ChEMBL compound with an activity cutoff of < 30 nM - AND - satisfies the preceding conditions

Active Ligand: 1

Target has at least one approved drug - AND - satisfies the preceding conditions

Active Drug: 0
Expression Data (499 Tissues)
JensenLab TISSUESGTEx - FemaleGTEx - MaleHPA RNAHPA ProteinHPM ProteinExpression Typemulticellular organismbody properheadglandviscusendocrine glandnervous systemcentral nervous systembrainmusculature of bodymusculaturegenitourinary systemskeletal systemliverreproductive systemmouthfemale reproductive systemtongueinternal female genitaliarespiratory systemhematopoietic systemdigestive systemmale reproductive systemimmune systeminternal male genitalialymphoid tissuelungintegumentdigestive tractforebrainuterusbloodspleencerebral hemispheretelencephaloncerebral cortexcardiovascular systemconnective tissuelimbic systemkidneyrenal systemlobe of cerebral hemispherehematopoietic celltemporal lobeleukocyteheartintestineembryonic structurelymph nodelymphocytelarge intestineskin of bodycolonspinal cordtrunkfrontal cortexovarybone elementphagocyteepitheliumadipose tissuebrainstemgonadhindbrainmononuclear celldendritic celltestisT cellcerebellummetencephalonbone marrowmonocytecorpus callosumlate embryoprostate glandplacentaneckembryoadrenal glandthroatsmall intestinediencephalonhypothalamusstomachcardiac muscle tissuethyroid glandvermiform appendixcaecumhippocampal formationoccipital lobechestparietal lobeblood plasmaB cellurinary bladderpancreasplateletganglionesophagusepithelium of bronchusprefrontal cortexbasal ganglionbronchusgallbladderduodenumbreasttonsiluterine cervixcardiac ventriclenervecorpus striatumcardiac muscle cellfibroblastepithelial cellblood vesselneuronretinamacrophagesaliva-secreting glandexocrine glandsmooth muscle tissueendotheliumgyrusendothelial cellthymusglial cellmucosapodocyteglomerular parietal epitheliumglomerular capsulegerm layergranulocyteforelimbrenal corpusclemidbraincapillarymesodermmacroglial cellneutrophilnephronastrocytecardiac atriumleft cardiac atriummanusmanual digitheart left ventriclearteryvertebral columnepithalamuspineal bodysmooth muscle cellbrain ventriclerenal glomerulusamygdalatelencephalic ventricleright cardiac atriumcerebral cortex neuronskin epidermisaortaepidermal cellperiosteumendometriummesenchymal stem cellfourth ventricleendothelial cell of vascular treecorneamesangial cellrectummesangiumhematopoietic stem cellosteoblastoligodendrocytenephron tubuledermispericytepyramidal neuronhippocampus pyramidal layercaudate nucleusstriatumstromal cellhindlimbfat padtracheaovarian folliclevasculatureskeletal jointcartilage tissuewall of blood vesselsubthalamic nucleuscerebral hemisphere white matteradrenal medullaperipheral nervous systemhepatocytemegakaryocytemedulla oblongatamuscle cellcingulate gyrusintestinal epitheliumadipocytesemenfuture brainkeratinocytebrown adipose tissueneocortexwhite adipose tissuestratum spinosum of epidermisbone marrow cellendocrine pancreasislet of Langerhansprimary ovarian follicleaortic valvenerve fasciculuscerebral pedunclenon-terminally differentiated cellSertoli cellpronephrossynovial membrane of synovial jointexternal male genitaliatendon sheathentire myelin sheathpenismammary glandseminiferous tubule of testisgranulosa cellinterneuronectodermarachnoid barrier layerneural tubeglobus palliduserythrocyteponslentiform nucleusprepuce of penisepithelial cell of large intestineneural cresttendonlayer of synovial tissueolfactory bulbmyelincerebrospinal fluidcolonic epitheliumosteoclastsubarachnoid spacechondrocytedeveloping neuroepitheliumbody wallurinemyoblastplasma cellcarotid artery segmentchorion membraneluteal cellnasopharynxseminal vesiclechordate pharynxgastruladentate gyrus of hippocampal formationneuropilmegakaryocyte progenitor cellsmooth muscle of tracheaosteonmelanoblastcerebral hemisphere gray matterskullpleural fluidcell of skeletal muscleproximal tubular epitheliumepididymisparathyroid glanddorsal root ganglionadrenal cortexvaginamouth mucosacervical ganglionsuperior cervical ganglionsympathetic ganglionsympathetic nervous systemsympathetic trunkautonomic nervous systemophthalmic nervetrigeminal nervecranial nervecranial gangliontrigeminal ganglionPurkinje cell layer of cerebellar cortexendometrial stromaendometrium glandular epitheliumesophagus squamous epitheliumfallopian tubehippocampus fimbriaoral epitheliumovary stromaskeletal muscle tissueskin fibroblastskin 1 - keratinocytesskin 1 - Langerhansskin 1 - melanocytesskin 2 - epidermal cellssoft tissue 1 - chondrocytesred pulp of spleenwhite pulp of spleenglandular cell of stomachLeydig cell region of testisB CellsCD4 CellsCD8 Cellspresumptive gutMonocytesNK CellsPlateletsangular gyrusanterior cingulate cortexanterior cingulate gyrusanteroventral cochlear nucleusventral funiculus of spinal cordinsular cortexventral anterior nucleus of thalamusarcuate nucleusextrastriate cortexarea postremaprimary visual cortexcentral medial nucleuscerebellar cortexcerebellar nuclear complexwhite matter of cerebellumcervical spinal cordchoroid plexusclaustrum of braincorticomedial nuclear complexcuneate nucleuscuneiform nucleusdorsal cochlear nucleusdorsal funiculus of spinal cordmedullary reticular formationdorsal motor nucleus of vagus nervedorsal raphe nucleusdorsal tegmental nucleusdorsolateral prefrontal cortexmidbrain tegmentumdorsomedial nucleus of hypothalamusentorhinal cortexflocculonodular lobefrontal operculumfrontomarginal sulcusfrontopolar cortexfusiform gyrusgyrus rectushabenulaCA1 field of hippocampusCA2 field of hippocampusCA3 field of hippocampusinferior colliculusinferior frontal gyrusinferior olivary complexinferior parietal cortexinferior temporal gyrusintraparietal sulcuspontine nuclear grouplateral amygdaloid nucleuslateral funiculus of spinal cordlateral geniculate bodylateral hypothalamic areanucleus of lateral lemniscuslateral reticular nucleuslateral parabrachial nucleuslateral nuclear group of thalamuslateral vestibular nucleuslingual gyruslocus ceruleusmammillary bodymedial dorsal nucleus of thalamusmedial geniculate bodymedial superior olivary nucleusmedial parabrachial nucleusperiolivary nucleusmedial vestibular nucleusmedian raphe nucleuscingulate cortexmiddle frontal gyrusmiddle temporal gyrusfacial motor nucleushypoglossal nucleusmotor nucleus of trigeminal nervenucleus of trapezoid bodynucleus accumbensnucleus ambiguusbasal nucleus of telencephalongracile nucleusnucleus of diagonal bandnucleus raphe magnusnucleus raphe obscurusnucleus raphe pallidusreuniens nucleusrhomboidal nucleusnucleus of solitary tractoccipital cortexolfactory entorhinal cortexolfactory tubercleorbitofrontal cortexparacentral lobuleparahippocampal gyrusparamedian reticular nucleusparaventricular nucleus of hypothalamusparietal cortexparietal operculumparieto-insular cortexparieto-occipital sulcustemporoparietal junctionparvocellular reticular nucleuspedunculopontine tegmental nucleuscentral gray substance of midbrainperirhinal cortexperitrigeminal nucleuspiriform cortexpontine raphe nucleuspostcentral gyrusposterior cingulate cortexposterior nucleus of thalamusposteroventral cochlear nucleusprecentral gyrusprecuneus cortexpremotor cortexpreoptic areanucleus preposituspretectal regionprincipal sensory nucleus of trigeminal nervepulvinar nucleusputamenred nucleuscaudal pontine reticular nucleusoral pontine reticular nucleusreticulotegmental nucleusretrosplenial regionseptal nuclear complexsomatosensory cortexcaudal part of spinal trigeminal nucleusinterpolar part of spinal trigeminal nucleusoral part of spinal trigeminal nucleusvestibular nucleusstria terminalissubcallosal areasubcentral gyrus, S2subiculumsubstantia nigrasuperior colliculussuperior frontal gyrussuperior olivary complexsuperior parietal cortexsuperior temporal gyrussuperior vestibular nucleussupplemental motor cortexsupramarginal gyrussupraoptic nucleustemporal cortextemporal polewhite matter of temporal lobetemporo-occipital transitional zoneanterior transverse temporal gyrusposterior transverse temporal gyrusventral posterolateral nucleusventral posteromedial nucleus of thalamusventral tegmental areaventral nuclear groupventrolateral medulla, A1-C1 cell groupsventromedial nucleus of hypothalamuscerebellar vermiszona incertapituitary glandsuprapubic skintransverse colontibial nerveC1 segment of cervical spinal cordAmmon's hornouter medulla of kidneysigmoid coloncortex of kidneyright lobe of liverleft ventricle myocardiumgastroesophageal sphincterbody of pancreasectocervixendocervixsubcutaneous adipose tissueesophagus muscularis mucosaanterior lingual glandright atrium auricular regionbreast epitheliumCells - Cultured fibroblastsvenous bloodtibial arterygastrocnemius medialisPeyer's patchlower leg skinupper lobe of left lungcoronary arteryascending aortaomental fat padCells - EBV-transformed lymphocytes
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GENEVA (GENe Expression Variance Analysis) allows you to identify RNA-sequencing datasets from the Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO) that contain conditions modulating a gene or a gene signature.
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ARCHS4 provides access to gene-function predictions based on RNA-seq co-expression, and gene expression levels across cell and tissues.
Active Ligands (1)
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Protein-Protein Interactions (439)
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Novelty:  0.06033214
p_int:  0.99988571
p_ni:  0.00011429
Score:  0.984
Data Source:  BioPlex,STRINGDB
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p_ni:  0.002389013
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Predicted Interactions
Reactome Functional Interactions (FIs) (2769)
Illuminating Dark Proteins using Reactome Pathways.
Brunson et al., bioRxiv : the preprint server for biology, 2023-06-05
FI Score
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Nearest Tclin Targets
Nearest Tclin calculations are only available for non-Tclin targets that have KEGG Pathway annotations.
Pathways (47)
Axon guidance (R-HSA-422475)
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Axon guidance
Clathrin-mediated endocytosis
Developmental Biology
EPH-Ephrin signaling
EPHB-mediated forward signaling
Interacting Pathways
Reactome is a manually curated, peer reviewed knowledgebase of human biological pathways and processes, available online as an open access resource that can be freely used and distributed by all members of the biological research community. This view of the Reactome database displays the pathways functionally interacting with ACTR2.
Viral Interactions (0)
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Gene Ontology Terms (40)
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Inferred from Electronic Annotation (IEA)
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Disease Associations (32)
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root: disease (DOID:4)
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GWAS Traits (19)
GWAS Trait
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Odds Ratio
Evidence (Mean Rank Score)
self reported educational attainment
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myeloid white cell count
neutrophil count
05101520253035404550556065707580859095100Mean Rank Score-101234Beta Count
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Orthologs (18)
1 – 5 of 18
Source ID
Gene ID
ARP2 actin related protein 2 homolog
ARP2 actin related protein 2 homolog
ARP2 actin related protein 2 homolog
ARP2 actin related protein 2 homolog
ARP2 actin related protein 2 homolog
ARP2 actin related protein 2 homolog
Publication Statistics
PubMed Score 156.31
PubMed score by year
PubTator Score 667.82
PubTator score by year
Publications (95)
Overrepresented Terms from Abstracts 100 terms from up to 100 abstracts, scaled based on the degree of overrepresentation (Fisher's Exact Test p-Value).
Items per page:
1 – 5 of 95
Abstract: (show)
Rotavirus (RV) is an important zoonosis virus, which can cause severe diarrhea and extra-intestinal infection. To date, some proteins or carbohydrates have been shown to participate in the attachment or internalization of RV, including HGBAs, Hsc70, and integrins. This study attempted to indicate whether there were other proteins that would participate in the entry of RV; thus, the RV VP4-interacting proteins were identified by proximity labeling. After analysis and verification, it was found that VIM and ACTR2 could significantly promote the proliferation of RV in intestinal cells. Through further viral binding assays after knockdown, antibody blocking, and recombinant protein overexpression, it was revealed that both VIM and ACTR2 could promote RV replication.
Transition State of Arp2/3 Complex Activation by Actin-Bound Dimeric Nucleation-Promoting Factor.
Eeuwen et al., Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2023-08-15
Abstract: (show)
Arp2/3 complex generates branched actin networks that drive fundamental processes such as cell motility and cytokinesis. The complex comprises seven proteins, including actin-related proteins (Arps) 2 and 3 and five scaffolding proteins (ArpC1-ArpC5) that mediate interactions with a pre-existing (mother) actin filament at the branch junction. Arp2/3 complex exists in two main conformations, inactive with the Arps interacting end-to-end and active with the Arps interacting side-by-side like subunits of the short-pitch helix of the actin filament. Several cofactors drive the transition toward the active state, including ATP binding to the Arps, WASP-family nucleation-promoting factors (NPFs), actin monomers, and binding of Arp2/3 complex to the mother filament. The precise contribution of each cofactor to activation is poorly understood. We report the 3.32-Å resolution cryo-electron microscopy structure of a transition state of Arp2/3 complex activation with bound constitutively dimeric NPF. Arp2/3 complex-binding region of the NPF N-WASP was fused C-terminally to the α and β subunits of the CapZ heterodimer. One arm of the NPF dimer binds Arp2 and the other binds actin and Arp3. The conformation of the complex is intermediate between those of inactive and active Arp2/3 complex. Arp2, Arp3, and actin also adopt intermediate conformations between monomeric (G-actin) and filamentous (F-actin) states, but only actin hydrolyzes ATP. In solution, the transition complex is kinetically shifted toward the short-pitch conformation and has higher affinity for F-actin than inactive Arp2/3 complex. The results reveal how all the activating cofactors contribute in a coordinated manner toward Arp2/3 complex activation.
Abstract: (show)
CD4 T cell activation induces nuclear and cytoplasmic actin polymerization via the Arp2/3 complex to activate cytokine expression and strengthen T cell receptor (TCR) signaling. Actin polymerization dynamics and filament morphology differ between nucleus and cytoplasm. However, it is unclear how the Arp2/3 complex mediates distinct nuclear and cytoplasmic actin polymerization in response to a common stimulus. In humans, the ARP3, ARPC1, and ARPC5 subunits of the Arp2/3 complex exist as two different isoforms, resulting in complexes with different properties. Here, we show that the Arp2/3 subunit isoforms ARPC5 and ARPC5L play a central role in coordinating distinct actin polymerization events in CD4 T cells. While ARPC5L is heterogeneously expressed in individual CD4 T cells, it specifically drives nuclear actin polymerization upon T cell activation. In contrast, ARPC5 is evenly expressed in CD4 T cell populations and is required for cytoplasmic actin dynamics. Interestingly, nuclear actin polymerization triggered by a different stimulus, DNA replication stress, specifically requires ARPC5 but not ARPC5L. TCR signaling but not DNA replication stress induces nuclear actin polymerization via nuclear calcium-calmodulin signaling and N-WASP. Diversity in the molecular properties and individual expression patterns of ARPC5 subunit isoforms thus tailors Arp2/3-mediated actin polymerization to different physiological stimuli.
Abstract: (show)
Microdeletions encompassing the 2p14 region have been reported to cause a novel microdeletion syndrome, characterised by mild intellectual disability (ID) and language impairment (LI), usually showing no congenital malformations or severe dysmorphisms. Actin-related protein 2 (ACTR2) and Ras-related protein Rab-1A (RAB1A) genes present in this region have been suggested to be associated with ID and/or LI pathogenesis on the basis of a few singleton cases with 2p14 microdeletions, although the effects of other deleted genes could not be ruled out. Here, we describe the clinical and molecular cytogenetic characterisation of a three-generation Japanese family comprising six individuals carrying a 144-kb microdeletion at the 2p14 locus, which disrupted two genes, ACTR2 and RAB1A, and co-segregated with ID and LI. The 5'- and 3'-deletion breakpoints were mapped within two flanking Alu repeat elements at 30-bp perfect homology, and thus suggested homologous recombination between the Alu elements as an underlying mechanism for the deletion event. Since ACTR2 is the only gene located in the minimal overlapping interval among the cases reported in the present study and those reported previously with 2p14 microdeletions, and ACTR2 exhibits strong intolerance for loss-of-function, our findings further support the notion that ACTR2, a key component involved in the branching of cytoskeletal actin networks, is probably responsible for the aetiology of LI in 2p14 microdeletion syndrome.
Abstract: (show)
The actin cytoskeleton is extremely dynamic and supports diverse cellular functions in many physiological and pathological processes, including tumorigenesis. However, the mechanisms that regulate the actin-related protein 2/3 (ARP2/3) complex and thereby promote actin polymerization and organization in cancer cells are not well-understood. We previously implicated the proline-rich 11 (PRR11) protein in lung cancer development. In this study, using immunofluorescence staining, actin polymerization assays, and siRNA-mediated gene silencing, we uncovered that cytoplasmic PRR11 is involved in F-actin polymerization and organization. We found that dysregulation of PRR11 expression results in F-actin rearrangement and nuclear instability in non-small cell lung cancer cells. Results from molecular mechanistic experiments indicated that PRR11 associates with and recruits the ARP2/3 complex, facilitates F-actin polymerization, and thereby disrupts the F-actin cytoskeleton, leading to abnormal nuclear lamina assembly and chromatin reorganization. Inhibition of the ARP2/3 complex activity abolished irregular F-actin polymerization, lamina assembly, and chromatin reorganization due to PRR11 overexpression. Notably, experiments with truncated PRR11 variants revealed that PRR11 regulates F-actin through different regions. We found that deletion of either the N or C terminus of PRR11 abrogates its effects on F-actin polymerization and nuclear instability and that deletion of amino acid residues 100-184 or 100-200 strongly induces an F-actin structure called the actin comet tail, not observed with WT PRR11. Our findings indicate that cytoplasmic PRR11 plays an essential role in regulating F-actin assembly and nuclear stability by recruiting the ARP2/3 complex in human non-small cell lung carcinoma cells.