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2'-5'-oligoadenylate synthase 1

Protein Summary
Interferon-induced, dsRNA-activated antiviral enzyme which plays a critical role in cellular innate antiviral response. In addition, it may also play a role in other cellular processes such as apoptosis, cell growth, differentiation and gene regulation. Synthesizes higher oligomers of 2'-5'-oligoadenylates (2-5A) from ATP which then bind to the inactive monomeric form of ribonuclease L (RNase L) leading to its dimerization and subsequent activation. Activation of RNase L leads to degradation of cellular as well as viral RNA, resulting in the inhibition of protein synthesis, thus terminating viral replication. Can mediate the antiviral effect via the classical RNase L-dependent pathway or an alternative antiviral pathway independent of RNase L. The secreted form displays antiviral effect against vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV), herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV-2), and encephalomyocarditis virus (EMCV) and stimulates the alternative antiviral pathway independent of RNase L. This gene is ...more
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gene perturbation
virus perturbation
molecular function
kinase perturbation

IDG Development Level Summary

These are targets about which virtually nothing is known. They do not have known drug or small molecule activities
- AND - satisfy two or more of the following criteria:

Pubmed score: 245.52   (req: < 5)
Gene RIFs: 91   (req: <= 3)
Antibodies: 313   (req: <= 50)

These targets do not have known drug or small molecule activities
- AND - satisfy two or more of the following criteria:

Pubmed score: 245.52   (req: >= 5)
Gene RIFs: 91   (req: > 3)
Antibodies: 313   (req: > 50)

- OR - satisfy the following criterion:

Gene Ontology Terms: 15

Target has at least one ChEMBL compound with an activity cutoff of < 30 nM - AND - satisfies the preceding conditions

Active Ligand: 0

Target has at least one approved drug - AND - satisfies the preceding conditions

Active Drug: 0