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BRCA1-associated ATM activator 1

Protein Summary
Involved in DNA damage response; activates kinases ATM, SMC1A and PRKDC by modulating their phosphorylation status following ionizing radiation (IR) stress (PubMed:16452482, PubMed:22977523). Plays a role in regulating mitochondrial function and cell proliferation (PubMed:25070371). Required for protein stability of MTOR and MTOR-related proteins, and cell cycle progress by growth factors (PubMed:25657994). The protein encoded by this ubiquitously expressed gene interacts with the tumor suppressing BRCA1 (breast cancer 1) protein and and the ATM (ataxia telangiectasia mutated) protein. ATM is thought to be a master controller of cell cycle checkpoint signalling pathways that are required for cellular responses to DNA damage such as double-strand breaks that are induced by ionizing radiation and complexes with BRCA1 in the multi-protein complex BASC (BRAC1-associated genome surveillance complex). The protein encoded by this gene is thought to play a role in the DNA damage pathway regula ...more
Uniprot Accession IDs
Gene Name
Ensembl ID
  • ENST00000340611
  • ENSP00000339637
  • ENSG00000106009

  • BAAT1
  • C7orf27
  • BAAT1
  • C7orf27
Illumination Graph
Knowledge Table
Most Knowledge About
Knowledge Value (0 to 1 scale)
transcription factor binding site profile
cell line
cell type or tissue
histone modification site profile

Protein Classes
No PANTHER Classes or DTO Classes found
IDG Development Level Summary

These are targets about which virtually nothing is known. They do not have known drug or small molecule activities
- AND - satisfy two or more of the following criteria:

Pubmed score: 42.58   (req: < 5)
Gene RIFs: 21   (req: <= 3)
Antibodies: 69   (req: <= 50)

These targets do not have known drug or small molecule activities
- AND - satisfy two or more of the following criteria:

Pubmed score: 42.58   (req: >= 5)
Gene RIFs: 21   (req: > 3)
Antibodies: 69   (req: > 50)

- OR - satisfy the following criterion:

Gene Ontology Terms: 9

Target has at least one ChEMBL compound with an activity cutoff of < 30 nM - AND - satisfies the preceding conditions

Active Ligand: 0

Target has at least one approved drug - AND - satisfies the preceding conditions

Active Drug: 0