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cataract 3 multiple types

Disease Summary
Associated Targets (1)


Mondo Description Any cataract (disease) in which the cause of the disease is a mutation in the CRYBB2 gene.
Uniprot Description An opacification of the crystalline lens of the eye that frequently results in visual impairment or blindness. Opacities vary in morphology, are often confined to a portion of the lens, and may be static or progressive. CTRCT3 includes congenital cerulean and sutural cataract with punctate and cerulean opacities, among others. Cerulean cataract is characterized by peripheral bluish and white opacifications organized in concentric layers with occasional central lesions arranged radially. The opacities are observed in the superficial layers of the fetal nucleus as well as the adult nucleus of the lens. Involvement is usually bilateral. Visual acuity is only mildly reduced in childhood. In adulthood, the opacifications may progress, making lens extraction necessary. Histologically the lesions are described as fusiform cavities between lens fibers which contain a deeply staining granular material. Although the lesions may take on various colors, a dull blue is the most common appearance and is responsible for the designation cerulean cataract. Sutural cataract with punctate and cerulean opacities is characterized by white opacification around the anterior and posterior Y sutures, and grayish and bluish, spindle shaped, oval punctate and cerulean opacities of various sizes arranged in lamellar form. The spots are more concentrated towards the peripheral layers and do not delineate the embryonal or fetal nucleus. Phenotypic variation with respect to the size and density of the sutural opacities as well as the number and position of punctate and cerulean spots is observed among affected subjects.
Disease Ontology Description A cataract that has_material_basis_in heterozygous mutation in the beta-B2-crystallin gene (CRYBB2) on chromosome 22q11.
Mondo Term and Equivalent IDs
MONDO:0011104:  cataract 3 multiple types