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nephronophthisis-like nephropathy 1

Disease Summary
Associated Targets (1)


Mondo Description Any nephronophthisis in which the cause of the disease is a mutation in the XPNPEP3 gene.
Uniprot Description A disorder with features of nephronophthisis, a cystic kidney disease leading to end-stage renal failure. Nephronophthisis is histologically characterized by modifications of the tubules with thickening of the basement membrane, interstitial fibrosis and, in the advanced stages, medullary cysts. Typical clinical manifestation are chronic renal failure, anemia, polyuria, polydipsia, isosthenuria, and growth retardation. Associations with extrarenal symptoms are frequent. In NPHPL1 patients, extrarenal symptoms include hypertension, essential tremor, sensorineural hearing loss and gout. Severely affected individuals can manifest a mitochondrial disorder with isolated complex I deficiency activity in muscle, seizures, mental retardation and hypertrophic dilated cardiomyopathy.
Disease Ontology Description A nephronophthisis that has_material_basis_in homozygous mutation in the XPNPEP3 gene on chromosome 22q13.2.
Mondo Term and Equivalent IDs
MONDO:0013163:  nephronophthisis-like nephropathy 1