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Niemann-Pick disease, type C2

Disease Summary
Associated Targets (1)


Mondo Description Niemann-Pick disease type C2 is a rare metabolic condition that affects many different parts of the body. Although signs and symptoms can develop at any age (infancy through adulthood), most affected people develop features of the condition during childhood. Neimann-Pick disease type C2 may be characterized by ataxia (difficulty coordinating movements), vertical supranuclear gaze palsy (inability to move the eyes vertically), poor muscle tone, hepatosplenomegaly (enlarged liver and spleen), interstitial lung disease, intellectual decline, seizures, speech problems, and difficulty swallowing. Niemann-Pick disease type C2 is caused by changes (mutations) in the NPC2 gene and is inherited in an autosomal recessive manner. There is, unfortunately, no cure for Niemann-Pick disease type C2. Treatment is based on the signs and symptoms present in each person.
Uniprot Description A lysosomal storage disorder that affects the viscera and the central nervous system. It is due to defective intracellular processing and transport of low-density lipoprotein derived cholesterol. It causes accumulation of cholesterol in lysosomes, with delayed induction of cholesterol homeostatic reactions. Niemann-Pick disease type C2 has a highly variable clinical phenotype. Clinical features include variable hepatosplenomegaly and severe progressive neurological dysfunction such as ataxia, dystonia and dementia. The age of onset can vary from infancy to late adulthood.
Mondo Term and Equivalent IDs
MONDO:0011873:  Niemann-Pick disease, type C2