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pigmented nodular adrenocortical disease, primary, 1

Disease Summary
Associated Targets (1)


Mondo Description Any primary pigmented nodular adrenocortical disease in which the cause of the disease is a mutation in the PRKAR1A gene.
Uniprot Description A rare bilateral adrenal defect causing ACTH-independent Cushing syndrome. Macroscopic appearance of the adrenals is characteristic with small pigmented micronodules observed in the cortex. Clinical manifestations of Cushing syndrome include facial and truncal obesity, abdominal striae, muscular weakness, osteoporosis, arterial hypertension, diabetes. PPNAD1 is most often diagnosed in patients with Carney complex, a multiple neoplasia syndrome. However it can also be observed in patients without other manifestations.
Mondo Term and Equivalent IDs
MONDO:0012509:  pigmented nodular adrenocortical disease, primary, 1