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Balo concentric sclerosis

Disease Summary
Associated Targets (1)


Mondo Description Tumefactive multiple sclerosis is characterized by a tumor-like lesion larger than two centimeters and signs and symptoms similar to those of a brain tumor. It is a rare form of multiple sclerosis (MS). Symptoms of tumefactive MS often differ from other MS cases and may include, headaches, changes in thinking, confusion, speech problems, seizures, and weakness. The cause of tumefactive MS is not known. It often develops into the relapsing-remitting form of MS. In other cases there is only one occurrence of the condition. In still others the disease process remains less clear. While there is no cure for tumefactive MS, treatments such as corticosteroids are available to decrease disease activity.
Disease Ontology Description A demyelinating disease characterized by the fact that the demyelinated tissues form concentric layers.
Mondo Term and Equivalent IDs
MONDO:0016430:  Balo concentric sclerosis