Welcome to the GraphQL Playground for the Pharos. Queryable endpoints can be found on the DOCS tab on the right. Datatype definitions are on the SCHEMA tab.
Learn more about GraphQL: GraphQL.org
Given a gene symbol, this query fetches a number of simple details for the target.
query targetDetails{ target(q:{sym:"ACE2"}) { name tdl fam sym description novelty } }
Given a disease name, this query fetches some basic information about a disease, and one level of descendents, based on the Disease Ontology hierarchy
query diseaseDetails{ disease(name:"asthma"){ name mondoDescription uniprotDescription doDescription targetCounts { name value } children { name mondoDescription } } }
Given a drug name, this query fetches some basic information about the drug and details of target activity measurements.
query ligandDetails{ ligand(ligid: "haloperidol") { name description isdrug synonyms { name value } smiles activities { target { sym } type value } } }
Given a target symbol, this query fetches some basic details of the top 5 interacting proteins, and details of that interaction.
query interactingProteins{ targets(filter: { associatedTarget: "CAMKK1" }) { targets(top:5) { name sym ppiTargetInteractionDetails { dataSources:ppitypes score interaction_type evidence p_ni p_int p_wrong } } } }
There are two queries given here. Given a disease name, the first query fetches the top 5 associated targets, and details of that association. Given a target symbol, the second query fetches associated diseasese. (You may need to click 'prettify' to execute both queries)
query associatedTargets{ targets(filter: { associatedDisease: "asthma" }) { targets(top: 5) { name sym diseaseAssociationDetails { name dataType evidence } } } } query associatedDiseases{ diseases(filter:{associatedTarget:"ORMDL3"}){ diseases{ name } } }
Fetches the default facets for all targets in TCRD.
query facetsForAllTargets { targets { facets { facet values { name value } } } }
Fetches the default facets for all targets associated with a given disease.
query facetsForTargetsForDisease { targets(filter: { associatedDisease: "asthma" }) { facets { facet dataType values { name value } } } }
Fetching the default facets, filtering by facet values. Note facets only filter the target list as it applies to the other facets, not themselves.
query filteringByFacets { targets( filter: { facets: [{ facet: "Target Development Level", values: ["Tclin", "Tchem"] }] } ) { facets { facet values { name value } } } }
Uncommon facets can be fetched thusly.
query fetchingUncommonFacets { targets(facets:["Ortholog"]) { facets { facet values { name value } } } }
All facets that are currently supported in a target list.
query getAllTargetFacets { targetFacets }