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tetragametic chimerism
Disease Summary
Associated Targets ()
Mondo Description Tetragametic chimerism is a rare, sex chromosome disorder of sex development characterized by the two different haploid sets of maternal and paternal chromosomes and variable phenotype - from normal male or female genitalia, to different degrees of ambiguous genitalia, and often infertility. Also, in the cases of monochorionic dizygotic twins, it can be confined to blood of both twins.
Counts of Target Development Levels for diseases known to be associated with this disease. If the disease has a valid DOID, targets known to be associated with all child diseases are aggregated. Click "Explore Associated Targets" to view more facets and details for the target list.
Description from Mondo Disease Ontology.
DataSources which have contributed target associations to this disease, and the identifiers by which the disease is referenced.
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